Edmunds Online Payments FAQs

Edmunds Online Payments FAQs

Q1: What is Edmunds Online Payments?
A: Edmunds Online Payments is a web-based payment portal used to facilitate one-time and automatic Credit Card and ACH payments. It is not a full Account Management portal, simply a payment portal.

Q2: I forgot my password, what do I do?
  1. Visit http://payments.edmunds.com
  2. Click the Forget your password? link
  3. Enter the email address used during enrollment. You must click 'continue', do not hit enter. If you hit enter, please close the browser and restart from step 1
  4. Enter the answer to the Challenge Question that was entered during enrollment
  5. Click Submit, you will be emailed a temporary password which you will be required to change upon log in

Q3: I successfully made a one-time payment, but the Amount Due doesn't reflect this payment, why?
A: The Amount Due will always represent the Amount Due on the last bill, regardless of payments made. Click View Payment History on the left menu to see payments you made through Edmunds Online Payments.

Q4: I received my paper bill and mailed in a check to Edmunds, but my Edmunds Online Payments account still shows an Amount Due, why?
A: Edmunds Online Payments only reflects the Amount Due at the time your last bill was generated. Payments made outside of the Edmunds Online Payments portal will not be represented in the Edmunds Online Payments portal until your next bill is generated.

Q5: How do I get started with Edmunds Online Payments?
  1. Have your latest Edmunds paper bill in hand prior to enrollment
  2. Visit http://payments.edmunds.com
  3. Enter the Customer Number found on your Edmunds paper bill
  4. Enter the Billing Zip-code found on your Edmunds paper bill
  5. Click on the Click here to view Terms and Conditions link to pop up the Terms & Conditions
  6. Read and click the I Agree button at the bottom of the T&C pop-up window, the T&C window will close
  7. Click the Enroll Now button
  8. Enter an Account Nickname for the Customer Number you are enrolling (this is useful if you will be enrolling multiple Customer Numbers under this Edmunds Online Payments account)
  9. Enter your email address
    • Important: The email address you enter here will be the username you use to log in to Edmunds Online Payments. We recommend you use a generic Accounts Payable email address rather than an individual employee's if possible.
  10. Choose a password and enter it twice
  11. Select a Challenge Question that will be used for verification when resetting a forgotten password
  12. Select a Response to the Challenge Question, enter it twice
  13. Click Continue
  14. Click Complete Enrollment

Q6: Can I set up Automatic Payments?
A: Yes!
  1. Once logged in, Click on Manage Profile on the left menu.
  2. Click on Manage Billing Information.
  3. Select the Customer Number that you'd like to set up Automatic Payments for.
  4. Enter your Credit Card or ACH information and confirm.
  5. The next bill we send out will automatically be paid on the day it is sent, typically within the first 10 days of the month being billed.

Q7: If I set up Automatic Payments, will the current Amount Due on my account be automatically paid?
A: No, only future bills will be paid automatically with Automatic Payments. You should initiate a one-time payment to pay down your current balance before your next bill.

Q8: If I set up Automatic Payments, what day of the month with I be debited?
A: On the day we send your new bill. This is typically within the first 10 days of the month being billed.

Q9: I pay for more than one Edmunds Customer Number, can I manage them all with a single Edmunds Online Payments login account?
A: Yes!
  1. Begin by enrolling your first Edmunds Customer Number with Edmunds Online Payments.
  2. After enrollment, click on Manage Profile on the left menu.
  3. Click on Manage Billing Information.
  4. From here, you can enroll additional Customer Numbers on your Edmunds Online Payments account.

Q10: Can I use different Credit Cards to make Automatic Payments for different enrolled Customers?
A: No, only one card can be used for Automatic Payments.

Q11: Can I set up an automatic withdraw from my Checking or Savings Account?
A: Yes, you can add an ACH account to initiate a one-time or automatic payment.

Q12: Can I pick which day of the month my Automatic Payment will be debited?
A: Unfortunately no, you will be debited the day your invoice is mailed (typically within the first 10 days of the month being billed), although you can make manual one-time payments at any time throughout the month.

Q13: What Credit Cards are accepted?
A: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express

Q14: What if my Credit Card is declined?
A: You will receive an email if an automatic payment is declined.
  • You should then verify that you entered the following information correctly:
    • Card Number
    • Expiration Date
    • Address Associated with the Card
    • Card CVV number
  • If you think everything is correct, please contact your card issuer.

Q15: What if I miss a payment one month?
A: The next bill we send you will include any past outstanding balances in addition to any Current Charges. You will only ever have one bill to pay in Edmunds Online Payments which reflects the entire outstanding amount due on the account to date.

Q16: Should I ever give my Credit Card number to an Edmunds employee?
A: No, an Edmunds employee will never ask you for your credit card number. All credit card transactions will be handled directly by you through Edmunds Online Payments.

Q17: I no longer have access to the email account used to log in, what do I do?
A: Please give our Customer Service team a call at 1-855-EDMUNDS to assist you.